Ed Fornieles, Installation view, The Hangover Part II, 2011
Ed Fornieles, Contagion, 2011, Steel, inflatable rhino, polystyrene, 150 x 125 x 230 cm
Ed Fornieles, Installation view, The Hangover Part II, 2011Ed Fornieles, Monster, 2011, Hardiplank lapsiding, metal studwork, clamps, iPhone 3G, 261 x 360 x 112 cm
Ed Fornieles, Adventureland, 2011, Steel, glass, Twitter feed, computers, Spiderman costume, nylon leggings, Dorm Daze photographs, stretch Scooby-Doo, cotton candy, knife, comics, 202 x 231 x 54 cm
Ed Fornieles, The Hangover, 2011, Carpet, Animal House residue, 254 x 330 x 9 cm
Ed Fornieles, Glock, 2011, Sport socks, polystyrene, papier maché, bubblewrap, tape, 102 x 41 x 20 cmEd Fornieles, ORCA, 2011, Inflatable whale, steel, nylon peace flags, expanding foam, 219 x 230 x 77 cm